Wednesday, July 18, 2012


In the afternoon session of the cabinet meeting of Lions Clubs Indonesia, the Immediate Past International Director raised an interesting issue on building up leadership capability in order to sustain membership growth year after year.

People often talk about collaboration that could improve productivity. Collaboration that would induce creativity. 

Do we know whether or not our team is working effectively?

Do we have control over the entire operation?

Can we measure individual contribution? 

How can we gauge whether our team is doing well and working hard?

Organizations are made of people but good teams produce far more than just the sum of output generated by all individuals.

Great teams use all the skills available own by all individuals to meet teams goals

Matryoshka, a Russian nesting doll is probably a perfect description for a failure in growing leadership capability in organization.

We need people who have leadership capability in our organizations.

Fostering INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP growth in building team capability certainly the right way to sustain the growth of our organization.

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