Sunday, June 19, 2011


Everyone would want to be successful in career, business and life. Knowledge and effort would be required in order to achieve success in any field and we can work alone or together with others. Knowledge, skills and perseverance in the execution will determine how high the achievement would be.

However, why didn’t so many people who actually have good knowledge and skills able to produce monumental works, while those who have no special skills and even with just modest knowledge often produce works that they can be proud of?


In many interactions that I had with those people with skills and knowledge, it turns out that they delayed in doing something they had planned due to their fear of failing. Why did they still have fear even though they had often heard stories about people who repeatedly fell down but always rose again to reach their dreams and eventually they achieved remarkable success?

If you
are one of those who often experience the fear of failure thus delaying steps required to achieve your dreams, immediately after you read this article review again the plan that you have carefully made and start taking those first steps with focus in what you are going to do and do it with high confidence. JUST DO IT!

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