Saturday, June 25, 2011


When attending the Declaration of Indonesia Bersinar 2015 at the commemoration of International Day Against Drugs, I was having a brief but interesting discussion with several participating guests about how addiction can destroy people's life.

Addiction can occur not
only to the use of addictive substances but also to other common and ordinary steps which later developed into a habit. We more often give negative connotation when we heard the word habit. But good habits can also be developed from those simple, easy day-to-day steps - from the usual things we do. For example, a habit in exercise regularly, a habit in studying hard and lots other good habits, including the habit of positive thinking.

We've heard many stories about great success achieved by ordinary people because of their determination and habits. Jim Ryun in 1966 set the world records for the mile and the half-mile runs.  He ran six miles every morning before school and ran another six miles after school - every day, no matter what the weather. Before setting the world records, the habit and commitment shown in the 12 miles daily routine practices also made him the first high school student at the age 17 to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.
Time and efforts are indeed required to achieve success and happiness, but it is not as difficult as we often imagined. For example, by having the habit in setting goals in all aspects of our lives, we will be able to change our lives to become more meaningful. Remember that goal-setting is not a one time activity. It is a habit that we must have throughout our lives.
Begin today doing repetitive ordinary steps to form good habit and reap extraordinary achievements.

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