Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ming Cu Thing - A True Story About One Amazing Mother

No one ever wanted a misfortune in life, even though it is a slight one. All of us want normal, happy and successful life. A life filled with many symbols of success is apparently what all of us are pursuing. This is a short story about an amazing mother who keeps her faith despite challenges and obstacles.

I came to know this amazing lady about six years ago when my colleague introduced her to me as the owner of a company from Pekanbaru, at the first agents’ meeting I attended shortly after I joined American Standard Indonesia.
One day during a regular business visit to the city, after business discussion with her and her management staff, she took me to the other floor and there I first met her son, a young boy with down-syndrome. On Tuesday evening two weeks ago, on her stopover at Jakarta on the way to the United States for the wedding of her daughter there, this extraordinary mother took her son when they visited my residence that evening.

Ever since her son was born, she has dedicated most of her life taking care of him. Life for her as you readers could imagine, full of unusual challenges and obstacles in raising her son. Even for meals, she has to carry with her everywhere, slow cooker and blender to grind the food for her son. She has also experienced moments of truth where she kept fighting for her son’s life no matter how difficult and seemed impossible the situations were. More than a dozen times her son has to be admitted to the emergency room.

So, is her entire time, day-in and day-out, just for him? Not really and this is the story that I wanted to share with you, using the Wheel of Life® ,the six areas of life as defined by Paul J. Meyer.

The Family and Home, definitely without any doubt have been remarkably walked through by her with so much love and attention to her son, to her other children, and to her husband. On Financial and Career, this lady amidst the extraordinary time needed to take care of the son herself, manages the day-to-day operational of the company with her staff. She arranges her time in such a way so that she has fixed schedules in taking care of the boy whilst at the same time can run the business together with her husband. On Physical and Health, she understands the need to have her health under good control despites the stresses caused by both the business and/or from her son condition. She knows that relaxation of both the body and mind is a must for her. In the areas of Spiritual and Ethical, she always makes time available to the place of worship to pray every time she visited Jakarta for business meetings. Many of her friends asked how she can live the misfortune so far and she always told them that God has given the boy for her to love and care. She also has so many good friends and participates in the Social and Cultural activities although time is for sure very limited for her to do so. In the areas of Mental and Education, she learns by asking questions on matters she wants to know. When asked about her goals in life, she always simply says that with the will power and with the blessings from God, raising her son is one most important goal among other goals.

With the above short story and considering what researches said about the fact that most people used only 15% of their potentials, hopefully you readers would do a thorough review of your goals in all the six areas of life so that you will be motivated to use your full potentials to achieve all your goals and have a more meaningful life. Last but not least, the title Ming Cu Thing above is actually a pronounced Chinese sentence that means Pre-destined Life - the principle this amazing lady uses in her Walk of Life.

Husen Suprawinata

or follow my twitter: @hswinata

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